Top tips for public speaking

20 Tips for Mastering the Art of Public Speaking |

Have you ever had that nightmare where you are called to the stage at some fancy event to speak about something which you should know about. Your nerves are on high and you can feel your palms beginning to sweat and you can hear your own heart beating so fast you almost feel as if it’s sitting next to you. However, you muster the courage and you get up to stage and just as you begin your speech everyone suddenly begins laughing and pointing. You look down and realise you are completely naked! 

That is the fear many of us have with public speaking. It is quite literally a nightmare! It is not always about speaking at fancy events, however, it can be giving a speech at a wedding, giving a presentation at work, introducing yourself at a function or calling out the correct cards at a casino like Casino Gods which has been reviewed here.

We completely understand how scary it can be so here are a few tips which hopefully will make your next public speaking experience less horrific.

  1. Preparation – you may have had it many times, but preparation really is key. When you have prepared what you are going to say, then you are going to be more confident in saying it. The reason some people trip over themselves with public speaking is lack of preparation or knowledge about their subject.
  2. Breathe – take a breath in and out to help you slow down the flight response your body is going through. Breathing gently will help trick your mind that you are calm.
  3. Practice – it might be silly, but talk to yourself. If you do not have anyone to practice at home with, get in front of your mirror and practice. What is even better is that you can practice as many times as you want without getting tired of yourself! 
  4. Be yourself – If you are feeing anxiety of going out and talking in a room full of people, just remember we all have our own challenges and it is normal to be nervous so do not be too hard on yourself. The best people will always like you for being your authentic self.
  5. Don’t be so hard on yourself – even if it all goes wrong, dust yourself up and try again! Do not be so hard on yourself or get angry with yourself for getting it wrong or not getting it the way you planned. 

Get out there and mingle, you will be just fine!