Best Character Counter Tools of 2020

When writing, it is always essential to keep track of how many characters your essay or article has. Whether you are writing on a computer or manually on pen and paper, one needs to know how many characters one has, especially when there are requirements and standards to meet.

A character and word counter tool will come in handy when you are writing. This writing tool lets you keep track of your word and character count, whether you lack some words or need more. In the past, you can only check your essay’s word count on MS Word. But now, there are word counter tools that you can find online.

If you are looking for the best character and word counter tool today, here are some of the best apps and websites that you can use. If you access one of these tools, you will no longer have to worry about reaching your word count. 

Word Count Tool Character Counter

This character counter from Word Count Tool is one of the best counter tools you can get online. This tool lets users post content without flaws, and you don’t have to worry about posting content on your social media accounts. 

For you to get enough engagement on your posts, this tool ensures you are on the right track and stay within the word count. If you make a post for Twitter, the counter tool will ensure you only have 280 characters. If it’s on Facebook, it ensures the post only as 80 characters. 

Word Count tool helps you count words on your post or essay, but it also lets you see errors, such as spacing. The character tool will count, including the spaces and in the article. It can be used in real-time, and it checks words, sentences, paragraphs, and more. This counter tool is efficient, and it’s free to use too!

Accurate Word Counter

Accurate Word counter is one of the best to get for your essay and writing needs because it is free to use. You can easily count how many words and characters your essay has, and you can do it in an instant. It is quick and efficient, making it a great tool to use for school papers, articles, news posts, and more. 

This tool is online-based, and it is accessible if you are connected to the internet. You can type in words directly on the website, upload a file, or copy-paste your content on the allocated space provided. Not only that, but this counter tool has a word per minute (WPM) speed counter that lets you know your typing speed.

Word Counter – Every Word Counts

If you want to improve your writing style, that gives not only importance to how many words you are making but also its readability. This is a perfect tool for bloggers and content writers because readability matters when making web content. 

This word counter tool also improves your writing because it has a built-in grammar checker. All you need to do is drag the cursor in the text and start typing. You can also copy-paste content on the site, and it will scan the text to see if there are any errors. 

Rewriter Tools

This writing tool has all the best features that a writer will need aside from a word count; it also has a grammar checker for all your files. Whether you are writing school papers, legal documents, job application letters, or web content articles, Rewriter Tools is the best to use in any writing. 


This word counter tool has word suggestions that you can use when editing your articles and essays. It also has a fast and efficient word counter tool perfect for anyone on the go. It features extensive statistics regarding word count, the number of space characters, and character count. 

Charcount is also online-based, and it is a real-time word counter that will scan and analyze your essay. It will accurately check every word, character, sentence, and paragraph. The tool also shows the average length of a sentence for your reference when writing. 


LetterCount is another word counter tool that makes it to the best word counter tools of 2020. It is a free online word and character calculator that both professionals and beginners can use for their essays and articles. It has a simplified interface that can be accessed anytime and wherever you are. This is the perfect tool to stay in a word count limit.


Word and character counter tools are efficient to use, especially when you have a long essay or article to write, and it has a word limit. When looking for a word counter tool, always be mindful of its features, what other writing tools it offers, and how accurate it is when calculating words.

Since you made it this far,  and now that you know the best word counter tools available, here is an extra tip. Using a pomodoro timer will greatly benefit the time you spend on each project that you are working on. It enables you to work in an efficient manner. Allowing you finish your work on time, while also giving you the rest that you need.